Gifts that come from the heart
大切な人の誕生日、クリスマス、入学卒業祝い、または会社の記念日に同僚やビジネスパートナーへ感謝を伝えるコーポレートギフトとして。LAMYの高品質な万年筆とボールペンは、いつでも特別な贈り物になります。 名前や思い出の場所、個人的なメッセージなどを刻印して、あなただけの大切な1本を作りましょう。
大切な人たちとの美しい思い出や特別な瞬間は、生涯を通じて心に残るものです。お気に入りの万年筆とも、しばしば長い年月を共にすることができます。 受け取った人が特別な日や場所、大切なメッセージを思い出せるようなユニークなギフト、刻印入りのペンを贈りませんか。多くの言葉よりも想いを伝えてくれるはずです。

高品質でエレガントなギフトで大切な人にちょっとした喜びを届けませんか?LAMY のラインナップには、ペン単品に加えて、デザイン愛好家、コレクター、クリエイティブな人々に喜ばれる厳選されたギフトセットも含まれています。
人気シリーズの限定色なら、筆記具に関心のある方にもご満足いただけるでしょう。外観だけでなく機能性も魅力的な LAMY swift や LAMY studio なら、誰もが笑顔になることでしょう。デザイナーとのコラボレーションシリーズ、 LAMY x PB 0110 にも素晴らしいアイテムが揃っています。
機能とデザインの融合 : LAMYは90年以上に渡り、ハイデルベルクの自社工場で最高の品質とデザインのペンを製造してきました。 LAMY製品の細部へのこだわりと確かなデザイン性は、今も昔も変わりません。

LAMY abc ペンシル、LAMY nexx 万年筆など、お子さまに最適なペンで、学校生活がさらに素敵なものになります。
大切な取引先、あるいは永く勤務してくれた社員への感謝の気持ちを込めたプレゼントをお探しですか? LAMY swift、LAMY ideos、LAMY aionなどの高品質なペンならきっと感謝の気持ちが伝わります。ずっと愛用していただける価値ある贈り物になるでしょう。

A large selection, different designs and diverse models: the Lamy range offers a suitable gift set for every style! For those who write a lot in the office on a daily basis, the LAMY logo brushed set with ballpoint pen and fountain pen or as a different set with ballpoint pen and mechanical pencil are a great choice.
Creative individuals will love, for example, the calligraphy fountain pen LAMY joy in a modern metal gift box with 3 interchangeable nibs and a pack of ink cartridges. With LAMY joy, you can choose between two design options: matt black lacquer finish with an aluminium cap or black high-gloss finish with a red statement clip.
Find more gift sets here.
The timeless, classic and high-quality Lamy designs show a sense of style and are a great way to show appreciation to business partners, colleagues or owners. The LAMY studio, LAMY ideos, LAMY aion and LAMY swift make especially good gifts for businesses.
For very special occasions, such as employment or company anniversaries, promotions or retirement farewells, the LAMY scala, LAMY dialog, LAMY dialog cc (with shortened upper section and no clip) and the LAMY 2000 are a good choice.
Engraved with the initials of the recipient, they make an original gift that can be treasured for many years.
Having the right beginner’s fountain pen is important for a successful start at school. LAMY abc is the ideal companion for your child on their journey to learning to write – and it is an exciting gift for their first day of school.
For older pupils, Lamy offers a wide range of other writing instruments. The LAMY safari and LAMY AL-star designs are available as fountain pens, rollerballs and mechanical pencils. Both series are also available as ballpoint pens. Find more information here.
The LAMY nexx is the ideal gift for experienced writers.
And those who enjoy something more creative, should have a look at the LAMY joy – a beautiful fountain pen for calligraphy and artistic writing. These fountain pens are also available in a gift set with three different nibs as LAMY joy black and LAMY joy AL.
As well as the obligatory fountain pen for the start of the school year, new starters also need a lot of other items for a successful transition to school life. Grandparents could surprise their grandchild with a colouring pencil set from Lamy, for example. The plus and colorplus series are ideal for use in art lessons and at home. The aquaplus paintbox set together with matching paintbrushes, a water cup and painting apron also makes a great gift for any pupil.
For older children and creative thinkers
For something a little extra special, the coloured ink cartridges (LAMY T10) are available in black, red, turquoise, violet, blue-black and green. Pupils who also enjoy writing with their fountain pen outside of school or those who want to start bullet journalling can let their creativity flow with these ink cartridges or even an ink bottle and converter.
If looking for a gift for older students in sixth form or college, we recommend our Lamy ballpoint pens with personalised engraving. They make a unique gift that will accompany them far beyond their school days.
You can choose from a wide range of options. Whether you’re looking for a suitable fountain pen, ballpoint pen, rollerball pen or mechanical pencil for your colleagues, the selection of Lamy products leaves nothing to be desired and they are great business gifts for people starting their careers as well as for those celebrating promotions and retirements. For a unique gift, you can get the writing instrument engraved with a date, initials or a personal message.
Leather pouches from Lamy also make a great gift for people who frequently go away on business, or you could choose to give high-quality designer accessories from the collaboration Lamy x PB 0110.
LAMYのペンは単なるペンにとどまらない、新しい表現を創出し思考の具体化をサポートする"シンキング・ツール(Thinking tools)"です。